Mittwoch, 10. Juni 2015

Changing your life - How not to do it and 3 ways to get you started the proper way.

Changing your life - How not to do it and 3 ways to get you started the proper way.

Imagine you had control over your emotions and thoughts. Imagine you would get things done like nobody else and you'd enjoy doing so at the same time.

When I first heard about personal development, I saw endless possibility to change. I saw possibility to change what I did not like about myself and create a better version. Whether that was beating my fears and anxieties, replacing my negativity with positivity or becoming more productive and smart about life.

"I asked myself what I truely wanted from life. "

I want to become great. Now becoming great does not neccessarily mean becoming famous and rich. Everyone has their own definition of what greatness is and what they most want to achieve.

For me, I had this picture in my mind of mastering myself. From the first day on that I heard about developing my mind, I was inspired to change so many things.

Getting rid of fears. Shrinking the ego. Controlling emotions. Creating a more positive view on life and ultimately reach a level of lasting happiness. (What exactly I mean by 'ego' and shrinking it will be explained another time)

Think about it. If you could reach a level of relentless contentment, would you try to get there? This idea inspired me.

But not just that, I imagined even more.

Get productive. Have total control over your willpower. Work hard and master your learning process. Learn to manage time and effectively getting things done.

I was so inspired to become that great person that I decided to commit myself to it fully. 

However, changing ones self is not easy. Most importantly, we have to understand that there is certain things in our nature that will keep us from doing so.

Our brain is designed to go back to its old state whenever we try to change things. It is trying to get back to its homeostasis state. Basically, what our brain does by that is refusing to take risks. Our system has worked before, which is proven by the fact that we are still alive. This mechanism is trying to secure our survival. If our system kept us alive, the way that it worked, then why change it?

In todays society however, more often than not we dont have to fight for our survival day in and day out. We dedicate our time to working jobs and pursuing happiness. That is pretty much our number one objective. With how the world today works however, our very own nature and survival instincts can be a huge pain holding us back of becoming a greater self.

"Homeostasis will kick in shortly after we try to change our current self. This is where most dreams get shattered."

And that is exactly why I want to tell you a little more about my own path of changing my life. Beating your own nature and reprograming your mind is incredibly hard. Knowing about homeostatis and the fact that your mind is actively working on staying the same however, will give you a huge edge to get where you want to go.

"Making change will take everything you got and more. But it is possible."

Me personally, when I started out, I spread myself too thin. I wanted to become great at my emotions, socializing, body-language, sub-communication, productivity,.. I wanted it all. I wanted to invest into everything.  I was just so inspired to change. I wanted it quick.

"One of the biggest issues that our society today has created is its dependency on rapidity."

 Food has to be done in minutes, goods have to be shipped within days.

We get used to getting our quick-fix. We are so spoilt over how quick exchange of goods and other things happen these days, that we got used to it.

"We lost the virtue of calmness and patience."

And that is what I ran into. I did too much, and quickly I would hit that homeostasis-wall and would fall back into old patterns. 

"If we truely want to change, we need to be willing to do things step by step."

Focusing on for example changing only one habit over changing a dozen at the same time, will give you enough room to not get overwhelmed by the brick-wall that your mind will built up to protect itself.

To sum things up, I want you to focus on one thing at once

In the upcoming articles, I will explain you in-depth how you can reprogram your mind and build habits to become the person you want to be. 

For now, let us get started.

3 Steps to changing your life and getting started the proper way.

The first step is you getting in your own head. I want you to answer the following questions. I suggest to write down the answers, as that will strengthen your vision and motivation towards your goal.

Who is it, that you want to become? How do you imagine yourself, how is that person you want to become? What could you become or achieve if you got to where you want to get?

Answer this honestly. Are you willing to commit to transforming your life? Are you going to punch through the obstacles and not be part of a group of millions of people that tried to change their life but gave up once they hit a wall?

If you answered this with yes, then you need to understand that difficulty is what you will be dealing with a lot. You will have to start embracing difficulty and make it your friend. Once you've successfully done that, all doors will open up for you.

Let us walk this path together, let us create a community of people that share the goal of improving and growing their life. Having a group of people that reinforce you with what you need to stay on track can be one of the most important things to successfully step closer to your goals.

Join our personal growth community, follow the blog and share it with other people. 

Get more people inspired to change their life and work on themselves, tell your friends and familiy about this idea and join this idea as a group.

Let us grow together. In the future I will share my thoughts on overcoming procrastination, managing your time, becoming a positive thinker, becoming relentlessly self-confident, getting over your fears, getting you motivated to stay on track, how to deal with difficulty, how to handle stress, building a gym-routine, staying on track with your diets, improving your willpower, creating good and getting rid of bad habits and endless more topics.

I hope some of you will be willing to put in their time and effort to committing themselves to change, as this is one of the greatest things to do and I cant stress enough how amazing the results can be.

Follow, share and comment to support our community! For any questions you can also follow me on .

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